Using Lighthouse Tool to Measure Website Quality
Have you ever recognized the auditing tool hidden inside Chrome DevTools?
Lighthouse is an open-source, automated tool for improving the quality of web pages. You can analyze your website for performance, accessibility, progressive web apps, SEO and more.
How to use the Lighthouse Tool
First, go to the web URL you want to analyze.
You can simply open Inspect window by pressing Ctrl+Shift+I
or by right click -> inspect
As chrome extensions slow down the loading it is better to use incognito window when using the lighthouse tool.
You can simply select the Audit panel from Chrome DevTools.
Select suitable criteria you want to audit and click run audits.
It generates a detailed report with possible suggestions to improve performance, accessibility, best practices and SEO of your site.
There are other different ways you can use Lighthouse Tool.
Install and run the Node command line tool
First, install chrome browser in your desktop.
Then install lighthouse tool globally.npm install -g lighthouse
You can simply run an audit bylighthouse <url>
Run Lighthouse as a Chrome Extension
You can add lighthouse extension to chrome
Click Lighthouse
Click on Generate Report
How to share the report?
Click on the Save as JSON as given in the image. The report will be downloaded as a JSON file.
Now you can share the downloaded JSON.
To view the report, go to Lighthouse Viewer and export the saved JSON. It is simple 😊!!!